The aim of this IP is to improve teacher students’ educational competences on how to teach children who grow up in autochthone minorities. Autochthone minorities have not gained their status as minorities by immigration, but are somehow “indigenous” or they have lived in the country for a very long time. Children attending minority schools do therefore need an education which takes into account the special conditions under which children from minorities grow up. The IP will examine and develop various pedagogical and didactical approaches for the use in the classroom in order to educate minority children, not only on language acquisition, but also concerning identity and culture.
Duration of the program is 13 days, estimated period 1-13 May 2014, Country: Denmark Students will pay a part of their travel costs (25-35%) themselves. For application please send your CV, statement that you have not benefited from Erasmus grants, Letter of Intent; Certificate of previous academic results; Certificate of proficiency in English at least 15 November 2013. E-mail: bszekelynoemi@gmail.com