CECIL'S Second Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students

We are pleased to announce the second Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students (CECIL’S 2), to be held on 24-25 August 2012 at the campus of Pazmany University just outside Budapest, Hungary.


*Call for papers and further info at the conference website:* http://cecils.btk.ppke.hu/cecils2

*Deadline for abstracts:* 15 May 2012

*Conference dates:* 24-25 August 2012

*Publication:* Selected papers from the conference will be published in a peer-reviewed online publication.

*Bursaries:* We are pleased to be able to offer a number of travel bursaries worth up to EUR 250 each to selected student presenters.


*Summer school after the conference:* The conference will be followed by a one-week intensive summer school in linguistics, held between 27 August and 1 September in the same location, organized by PPCU.

Teachers at the summer school include: Anastasia Giannakidou (Chicago), Shinichiro Ishihara (Frankfurt), Aniko Liptak (Leiden), Jason Merchant (Chicago)