We invite PhD and MA students to submit anonymous abstracts for 35-minute (25′+10′) talks and for poster presentations in any field of theoretical linguistics, especially on topics in syntax, morphology, phonology (including prosody), formal semantics and pragmatics (including information structure), as well as their interfaces with phonetics, language acquisition, and psycholinguistics. Both theoretical and experimental papers are solicited, and synchronic and diachronic approaches are equally welcome.
The registration page of CECIL'S 3 (the Third Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students) is now available online at the conference webpage: http://cecils.btk.ppke.hu/
Only students presenting at CECIL'S 3 are eligible for either of the two bursaries. Although preference will be given to students coming from the East-Central European countries, students from other countries are also encouraged to apply.
Please study carefully the information on the bursaries webpage as well as the instructions in the bursary application forms. If you are a presenter, you are invited to send in your bursary application at your earliest convenience, but no later than 30 June.
Please note that there will be a short summer school in linguistics (SCILLS 2013) immediately after CECIL'S 3, to be held at the same venue. You are very welcome to stay for the school too – courses are free, though we request that you pre-register for the school online at SCILLS' webpage: http://scills.btk.ppke.hu
The summer school will feature the following four intensive courses, each one consisting of five 90-minute sessions. Each day, there will be two classes during the morning, and two classes during the afternoon.
Short course abstracts are to be made available via these links
Marcel den Dikken (CUNY)
Topics in the syntax of specificational copular sentences and pseudoclefts
Anna Szabolcsi (NYU)
Irina Sekerina (CUNY)
Research Methods in Psycholinguistics
Katalin Mady (RIL HAS)