We are pleased to announce the Third Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students (CECIL'S 3), to be held on 22-23 August 2013 at Peter Pazmany Catholic University (PPCU), Hungary.
The two-day conference aims to bring together postgraduate students in linguistics from a wide range of research areas, providing an interdisciplinary forum for students to present and discuss their work in an intellectually stimulating and informal setting.
The event will take place at the picturesque campus of PPCU just outside Budapest, and is hosted by the Department of Theoretical Linguistics of PPCU.
Conference website: http://cecils.btk.ppke.hu/cecils3
Invited Speakers: Similarly to previous years, CECIL'S 3 will host two distinguished keynote speakers:
--Prof Marcel den Dikken (CUNY)
Publication: Selected papers from the conference will be published in a peer-reviewed online publication.
Bursaries: We are pleased to be able to offer a limited number of travel bursaries worth up to EUR 200 each to accepted student presenters. Preference will be given to students coming from the Eastern Central European countries, but students from other countries are also encouraged to apply. (The conditions for application will be made available on the conference website.)
Contact: cecils3.gradconf@gmail.com
Call for papers: We invite PhD and MA students to submit anonymous abstracts for 35-minute (25'+10') talks and for poster presentations in any field of theoretical linguistics, especially on topics in syntax, morphology, phonology (including prosody), formal semantics and pragmatics (including information structure), as well as their interfaces with phonetics, language acquisition, and psycholinguistics. Both theoretical and experimental papers are solicited, and synchronic and diachronic approaches are equally welcome.
Basic Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- The text of the abstract should be maximally one page long with one-inch margins on all sides, with the title of the abstract
appearing at the top. The works cited should be listed on a second page, which may also include figures or tables.
- The abstract should be typed in some standard font (preferably Times New Roman), sized no smaller than 12 pts.
- Abstracts should be anonymous. References to one's own work should be made in the third person. Properties of the pdf file should be anonymized too.
- Abstracts should be sent by the deadline in pdf format as an attachment to the conference email address: cecils3.gradconf@gmail.com
- One person is entitled to submit at most one individually authored or co-authored abstract, and may be the co-author of one other submitted abstract.
Detailed abstract submission guidelines are to be made available at http://cecils.btk.ppke.hu/cecils3
Important Dates: Deadline for abstracts: 20 May 2013
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 3 June 2013
SCILLS summer school after the conference: The conference will be followed by a five-day intensive summer school in linguistics, held from 24 to 28 August in the same location, organized by PPCU. Information on the summer school will be posted on the conference website, as well as at: http://scills.btk.ppke.hu/