AHEA 2015

AHEA 2015
AHEA  American Hungarian Educators Association
40th Annual Conference
9-11 July 2015
Babeş-Bolyai University
Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA) will hold its 40th Annual Conference from 9 July through 11 July 2015 at the Babeş-Bolyai University in Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Romania. We welcome participation by academic scholars, independent scholars, other educators, and graduate students who are devoted to the teaching, research, and dissemination of Hungarian culture, history, folklore, literature, language, fine arts, and music. Presenters must be or become members of AHEA to have their names appear on the program. The Program Committee invites proposals for papers, focusing on the presenters’ individual research and findings, connected with this year’s theme:
Identities Beyond Borders

Proposals should consist of an abstract of 200- 250 words; a brief scholarly biography, including degrees and scholarly fields (50-100 words); a description of any audio-visual requirements; and full contact information. Proposals must be submitted online athttp://ahea.net/conferences/2015/submit-paper, no later than 2 March 2015. Program Committee Chairs, as listed below, will review for acceptance. Only one (electronic) submission per author will be considered. Individual paper presentations are limited to twenty minutes, to allow for ten minutes of discussion following the presentation. Although the major language of the conference is English, papers may be submitted in Hungarian.

Two tours are planned as adjunct programs for interested scholars attending the conference.  Prior to the conference, starting from Budapest and ending in Kolozsvár, a five-day bus tour will visit historic locations in Hungary and Transylvania, including visits to important educational centers. Following the conference leaving from Kolozsvár and ending in Budapest, a six-day bus tour is planned to visit historic and cultural sites of Transylvania, which will include exciting folklore programs.  Further details on both tours will be forthcoming soon.

Program Committee
  • Cultural Studies: Louise O. Vasvári, New York University
  • Education:  Judith Kesserű Némethy,  New York University
  • History:  Julia Bock, Long Island University, Brooklyn and
                  Peter Pastor, Montclair State University
  • Literature:  Enikő M. Basa, Library of Congress
  • Music/Folklore:  Kálmán Magyar and Judith Olson
                              American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ
  • Science/Economics:  Susan Glanz, St. John’s University, NY
Babeş-Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics
American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ
Balassi Institute – Hungarian Cultural Center, NY
Local Organizing Committee  ̶  Kolozsvár
Emese Fazakas
Noémi Gál
Krisztina Sárosi - Márdirosz
Borbála Zsemlyei
Organizing Committee
Enikő Basa
Kálmán and Judith Magyar
James Niessen
AHEA Webmaster
Katalin Vörös, University of California, Berkeley