Scholarship opportunities have been announced for Debrecen Summer School’s summer courses

Pályázati felhívás: ösztöndíj a Debreceni Nyári Egyetem 2014-es nyári kurzusára

The Balassi Institute was established by the Ministry of Education and Culture was appointed to promote Hungarian culture as well as providing information about Hungary's geographic and social features, including her history and contemporary characteristics, both for foreigners living in Hungary and abroad within the framework of Hungarian international cultural relations. Since January 2007 the Hungarian Scholarship Board Office, the Hungarian Institutes abroad, the Office of the Márton Áron Students' Houses and the Balassi Language Institute operate under the auspices of the Balassi Institute.

The Hungarian Scholarship Board (HSB) Office announces university and research scholarships for an academic year and summer school scholarships.

See further information about the scholarship.